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Our main service is the transportation of corpses. The corpses are transported by car or airplane, in a fast, safe and correct way to the place of burial.

We also arrange the necessary documentation for sending the deceased within 24 hours.

According to your request, we make ritual (religious) arrangements, Hoxha (bathing of the deceased), etc.!

We also offer custom coffins.

We are always there for you. Just call us and we will come to you.

We are punctual

We always try to be punctual with deliveries or transportation of corpses to the country of origin.

The experience of transporting corpses

Our success is directly related to the quality of the corpse transportation service we provide.

Comprehensive responsibility

The transportation of corpses is our responsibility!

Unmatched Services

We are committed to roll up our sleeves and help with any funeral occasion

Excellent service

Creating excellent services for the transportation of the corpse is our duty.

Passion for corpse transport

Our passion for the transportation of corpses is many years old.

— Transportin e të ndjerit nga e gjithë Europa.
— Staf profesionist. Mbi 20 Vite Eksperiencë.
— 24 orë në dispozicionin tuaj.
Jemi këtu për t’ju ofruar ngushëllim në çdo moment me shërbimet tona.